7 Comics Categorized "Garden (Agenda)"

Cartoon flowers with words planted underneath. Cloud and sun over green grass.

Session #6 – What is in our garden today?

What is in our garden today?

cartoon birds standing on twigs in garden. Sun, cloud, bright colours. Agenda items underneath

Session #5 – What’s in our garden today?

What’s in our garden today?

UN-settling lab – Garden (agenda) slides

Here are the “Decolonize First and UN-settling Lab Gardens (Agendas)” slides with permission to copy and use. LINK

Cartoon flowers with words planted underneath. Cloud and sun over green grass.

Session #4 – What is in our garden today?

We explored the concept of what it means to “do UNSETTLING” (in the colonial meaning of the word). After discussion, we arrived at the practice of taking time…

Session #3 – What’s in our garden today?


Cartoon flowers with words planted underneath. Cloud and sun over green grass.

Session #2 – What’s in our garden today?

Today we will warmup by listening to the first quarter of the Hummingbird story and showing a scene from our personal lives that connects with the story. unsettled:…

Session #1 – What’s in our garden today?

In our first session, we will do warmup comic “statio”. Then do a round of introductions. I will give a brief introduction to the UN-settling LAb. Then we…