Today we will warmup by listening to the first quarter of the Hummingbird story and showing a scene from our personal lives that connects with the story.

unsettled: Part 1. Then we will explore the concept of feeling emotionally and physiologically unsettled. What do we look like when we are unsettled (note: all lower case letters) emotionally and physiologically. What most frequently leads us to feeling unsettled? What do we DO to get “settled” again?

UN-settled: Part 2. After exploring the emotions and physiology of being “unsettled” we will turn the colonial meaning of UN-settling (note: Upper and lower case letters), i.e., unlearning ways of mind and practices that reproduce and reify colonial ways of thinking and doing. What do we look like when we consciously work to UN-settle and free ourselves from colonial bias? What most frequently leads us into knowing that we are being invited to UN-settle? What do we DO to stay “UN-settled”?

Here is the DO/BE unsettle/UN-settle comic worksheet.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: drjamm
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Cartoon flowers with words planted underneath. Cloud and sun over green grass.