Book link. I have based my understanding of the importance of welcoming and being “unsettled” on Dr. Sandra Parker’s theory an practice around embracing unrest. I encourage you…
Book link. Jo-ann Archibald worked closely with Coast Salish Elders and storytellers, who shared both traditional and personal life-experience stories, in order to develop ways of bringing storytelling…
by Tina M Campt Book link. In Listening to Images Tina M. Campt explores a way of listening closely to photography, engaging with lost archives of historically dismissed…
by Legacy Russell (2020) Book link. A new manifesto for cyberfeminism: finding liberation in the glitch between body, gender, and technology The divide between the digital and the…
by Tyson Yunkaporta Book link. A paradigm-shifting book in the vein of Sapiens that brings a crucial Indigenous perspective to historical and cultural issues of history, education, money,…
by Julietta Singh Book link. Julietta Singh challenges the drive toward the mastery over self and others by showing how the forms of self-mastery advocated by anticolonial thinkers…
by Corey Snelgrove, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, and Jeff Corntassel Article PDF attached Abstract Our goal in this article is to intervene and disrupt current contentious debates regarding the…
by Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm (Author), Sonny Assu (Author), Brandon Mitchell (Author), Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley (Author), Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley (Author), David A. Robertson (Author), Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair (Author), Jen Storm (Author), Richard…
“Indigenous knowledge is rarely acquired through written documents, but is, rather, a worldview adopted through living, listening and learning in the ancestral languages and within the contexts of…
by Resmaa Menakem (2017) In this groundbreaking book, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of trauma and body-centered psychology. The…
The fourth quarter of the story … ………………………………………….. The other animals watched Dukdukdiya’s tiny body fly against the enormous fire, and they were frightened. They called out to…
Third quarter of the story … ………………………………………….. The other animals watch Dukdukdiya’s tiny body fly against the enormous fire, and they were frightened. They called out to the…
Second quarter of the story … ………………………………………….. Only Dukdukdiya, the little hummingbird, would not abandon the forest. Dukdukdiya flew quickly to the stream. She picked up a single…
First quarter of the story … …………………………………………… Here is the story of the great forest that caught on fire. The terrible fire raged and burned. All of the…
In our first session, we will do warmup comic “statio”. Then do a round of introductions. I will give a brief introduction to the UN-settling LAb. Then we…
Today we will warmup by listening to the first quarter of the Hummingbird story and showing a scene from our personal lives that connects with the story. unsettled:…
We explored the concept of what it means to “do UNSETTLING” (in the colonial meaning of the word). After discussion, we arrived at the practice of taking time…